Anyway, as life went on I had my first child. Didn’t have a car at that time so I walked Everywhere. Boy had I known the benefits of walking then, I don’t think I would have rushed to get a car so quickly. While pregnant with my oldest daughter, because I was so active and walked everywhere, I went from a size 10 down to a size 2. Dispite the fact that I ate everything that hit my plate, my friends plate, and any other plate that was in range that I had access to, because I WALKED EVERYWHERE the weight just kept coming off. I think I must have been the only person in my family to ever drop 3 sizes while I was pregnant. Well, after I had her, it was extremely hard to get around lugging all the luggage required with an infant so I broke down and got a car. Biggest mistake ever. From that point on…the most exercise I got was walking from my front door to the driveway to my car…
and boy did I pick up weight quick. So began my battle of fad diets, diet pills, pre-packaged foods and snacks, etc. All that, and I was still getting fatter. Don’t get me wrong, I did lose weight here and there, but for every 5 I lost, I’d eventually gain back 10. I was on a vicious cycle and didn’t know that I was only making matters worse.
Fast forward 4 years, here comes baby #2. I’ve gone from a pre-pregnancy size 10 to a size 16. I’ve tried everything, but 6 months after this kid….I’m still getting bigger, so I just quit trying. I figured I was just meant to be fat and that was that!
I can remember being absent from all the family gathering photos. Not because I wasn’t there, but because I was just too embarrassed for anyone to see just how large I’d gotten. When my son was Christened and photo’s were taken I was humiliated. I looked like a beached whale and I was miserable and growing more and more depressed every day. Well to make matters worse, I got into an argument with my husband one day and he called me “fat and ugly”! I was so hurt! I can remember like it was yesterday! I cried so hard and for such a long time that I didn’t get any sleep that night from the pounding headache I got from all the crying ! The next morning, I got dressed and got on the floor to exercise before anyone else in the house woke up. Through the whole workout all I kept hearing over and over in my head was those words “fat and ugly”! Two months later, I had managed to drop back down to a size 12, but I couldn’t maintain it. You see, I was so desperate to take the weight off that everything I did was “excessive”. I exercised 2x a day, ate bird sized servings, took diet pills and basically ‘starved’ myself. It was a very unhealthy weightloss and as soon as I stopped all the insanity….the weight began to creep right back onto my body.
So fast forward … years later … three kids all grown up, working ‘super-long’ hours at work, high blood pressure, stressed out, depressed and over 100 pounds overweight! Dr. becoming increasingly more worried every visit (which is 6 months apart now since she’s majorly concerned about my blood pressure not responding to the meds) suggest weight loss surgery. Now, I’m not up for anyone invading my body with foreign objects…no matter how great the need seems to be, so I tell her what I’ve always told her…”I’ll try to exercise and eat better to lose some weight on my own”, but the minute I said it….I knew I had no intentions of doing it!
I’m online one day scrolling down my page and come across a post that has popped up on my timeline. I don’t know this person, but for some reason, her posts have been popping up on my page for quite some while now with the product I’ve never hear of. So I watched her for 6 months, awaiting and reading every testimonials she posted until finally one day I said….”Something has got to change” and I sent her an email inquiring about the product.
THAT DAY CHANGED MY LIFE!! I got my product and like most people only took it hap-hazardly for about 2 months. Even still, I began to see some improvement in the way I looked. That was enough for me. I was on board whole heartedly, and finally “fighting to get the weight off” … I went from a size 22/24 down to a size 16/18...but I’m not finished yet!!! I've now embarked on a series of lifestyle changes to get my body back to good healthy where I'm not just looking great, but feeling great too! I AM HAPPY TO REPORT THAT I HAVE EMBARKED ON A TOTAL LIFE CHANGE!
Here are a few images of my turbulent up and down weight battles from the past:
High school & college I was a healthy size 10.
I was so active during my pregnancy that I lost weight throughout instead of gaining inspite of the fact that I ate like I was carrying 2 or 3 babies. I was 36 weeks pregnant in the picture on the left. After my daughter was born I had dropped all the way down to a size 2. Everyone would ask my mom (pictured) if I had cancer because the weight fell off so fast, but I was as healthy as a horse.
The weigh began to creep on slowly and by my third child, it began to pile on and no matter what I did, I couldn't stop it. I was miserable and once I hit size 20, I completely gave up and before long, I was a size 22/24.

I was so active during my pregnancy that I lost weight throughout instead of gaining inspite of the fact that I ate like I was carrying 2 or 3 babies. I was 36 weeks pregnant in the picture on the left. After my daughter was born I had dropped all the way down to a size 2. Everyone would ask my mom (pictured) if I had cancer because the weight fell off so fast, but I was as healthy as a horse.
The weigh began to creep on slowly and by my third child, it began to pile on and no matter what I did, I couldn't stop it. I was miserable and once I hit size 20, I completely gave up and before long, I was a size 22/24.
I'm looking good and feeling even better thanks to TLC and their 100% Natural and Organic line of Iaso products! Thank you Jack Fallon, CEO of Total Life Changes. These products have given my body "new life"!